Future for All: A vision for 2048

Kai Kuhnhenn, Anne Pinnow, Matthias Schmelzer, and Nina Treu


Imagine it’s the year 2048.

How do you get around? What do you eat? How do you spend your time? How and what do you work? And beyond your own situation: What could this future look like? How is the economy organized? How can it be just, ecological and achievable – for everyone?

This book shows possible answers to these questions. In view of diverse crises – climate catastrophe, increasing inequality, economic crises – more and more people are embarking on the search for a completely different economic and social system. But what can this look like? Based on the results of twelve future workshops with almost 200 pioneering thinkers, Future for all presents a vision for the year 2048.

The Vision 2048 creates images of a desirable future beyond capitalism that is viable and achievable, that stimulates critical debate, and that inspires courage and hope.


“Capitalist realism is dispelled. Today it is easier to imagine the end of capitalism by 2048 than to imagine the end of the world.” – Kohei Saito, Associate professor of philosophy at the University of Tokyo

“Anyone who is wondering how an ecologically just and truly democratic society beyond capitalism, growth and competition could actually look like: read the book ‘Future for all’.” – Carola Rackete, Member of the European Parliament, ecologist and sea rescue worker

“Solidarity means organizing in solidarity. And this book shows how that can be done. With the ideas and strength that the movement already has and those that can grow out of the movement.” – Eva von Redecker, philosopher and author

“We need stories like this. A narrative of a better life for everyone. This book collects these stories. And as I read, I notice how every new idea tingles in my head and creates new synapses.” – Julia Fritzsche, journalist and author

“What we lack today are images of the future: How do we want to have lived? ‘Future for all: A vision for 2048’ creates one answer to this question: comprehensive, colorful, stimulating – and achievable.” – Harald Welzer, author and director of Futurzwei – Foundation for Sustainability

“The world does not lack criticism. It lacks emancipatory utopias. Showing the way. ‘Future for all’ is not just that. What is special about this book: It is based on future workshops with almost 200 thought leaders from movements, academia and organizations with special expertise in a dozen subject areas. The knowledge from movements has probably never been bundled more comprehensively.” – Friederike Habermann, author and activist

“In times of growing confusion, this compendium poses intelligent and structuring questions about how to shape our future. It is based on clear analysis and vision and enriches all utopias with successful practical examples. Such a signpost makes you look forward to the future and get involved in the multifaceted transformative work.” – Christian Felber, author and initiator of the common good economy

“Many know that capitalism will not last much longer. If still little changes, then it is because we lack common ideas about what a better life could look like – and who should implement it. “Future for All” presents ideas: What does a future worth fighting for look like? And what would have to change for that to happen?” – Raul Zelik, author, journalist and translator

“We have good analyses of injustices and the destruction of nature, as well as the mechanisms responsible for the catastrophic “business as usual!” But we need more knowledge and images of an attractive and livable future worldwide – for a good life in solidarity for everyone. Not designed as a master plan, but as a compilation of experiences and desires. ‘Future for All’ does exactly that!” – Ulrich Brand, Professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna


Anne Pinnow, Kai Kuhnhenn, Matthias Schmelzer and Nina Treu wrote this book as members of Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Laboratory for New Economic Ideas), a collective think-and-do tank in Leipzig, Germany. They have worked on social-ecological transformations for many years, focusing on alternative economies, care and climate justice both at Konzeptwerk and in various other political contexts and social movements.

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